These two books tell you everything you need to know about keepinf your doves spry, obedient and healthy. There are tips on recognizing problems, displaying your doves on stage, safely dying them, handling rubber doves and more.
Volume Two contains more tips, ideas, material, and routines, slanted to club and children's performers.
Why the title Duplicate Deceptions? Because Billy Wells Breaks new ground with the classic duplicate card principle. Introducing "The Dupel Deck"; Billy's adaption of an old idea that always keeps you "one-ahead" of the audience. Although some of the effects are suitable for close-up settings, the majority have been created for stage and polished through hundreds of stand-up presentations.
In addition to his excellent routines, Billy has included indispensible tips on related props and sleights. Duplicate Deceptions is an investment that will pay big returns to you again and again.
This is not heavy reading - just a few pages of sizzling in>ation. Invade the secret world of success with instructions on how to put your
show up front, do it cheaply, and how to capture the really big profits. Put the ideas to work for you.
Thirty-five exciting mental effects that depend purely on clever subtlety. In his usual efficient style, Nick Trost has cut away all the unnecessary and confusing frills, giving you pure mental presentations that require only a deck of ESP Cards.
Each presentation is augmented by easy-to-follow instructions that enable the reader to learn the effect in a short time. Many of the effects can be used in impromptu situations.